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Disinformation & Social Media Bootcamp

Writer: Disarm DisinfoDisarm Disinfo

Join us for a two-part Disinformation/Social Media Bootcamp -- each session is 1-hour in length and includes time for Q&A. We are all part of the social media army for our candidates this November and THEY NEED OUR HELP! This is basic training so that we can be proactive and productive. No technology skills required.

Session 1 - We cover the basics of disinformation: What does disinformation look like today as we head toward Election 2020? We will look at the tactics of disinformation in the age of Trump and his keyboard warriors on the right. What makes some content go viral? What determines what I see in my feed? How do we respond or fight back? We provide a plain-English (e.g. no tech jargon) understanding of the dynamics of content amplification, which will help in understanding the “why” of what we cover in Session 2.

Session 2 - We discuss the dynamics and how-to's of amplifying content on social media. During this session, we show you how to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. We’ll show you how you can be most effective as we head into Election 2020, even if you are new to social media. No technical skills or prior experience with social media is needed. We need to amplify the right stuff on our side!

A few months ago, while on a Westchester for Biden call, I posted a question into the chat asking "when is Biden's digital army being deployed" when I realized, we are that army. Biden and our local Democratic candidates need people amplifying that content. We can help get the message out -- each in our own way to our own networks simply by amplifying. The more of us there are, the stronger we'll be. A unified social media supporter presence can really help boost a local candidate campaign.

For those who do not already have Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, we will provide easy how-to instructions for creating accounts in between the two sessions. This is not required, but encouraged. This series is designed for the non-techie -- no technical skills required.

Our Zoom account allows for webinar audiences of up to 500. We will provide you with social media graphics, copy and Zoom links to help you promote. We’ll also provide you with recordings.

Bootcamp materials can be found here: Bootcamp Presentation Resources

Interested? Let us know at



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